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Drowning in Passwords? Use a Password Manager


Remember when you got your first password? Think back, and try not to get too sweetly sentimental about it. Maybe it was the one associated with your AOL account back when the World Wide Web was a novelty and e-mail was a cutting-edge mode of communication. How many more passwords have you created and accrued since then? A handful? A hundred? Too many! It's enough to make a person long for 1999.

Save PasswordToday, virtually all of our online doings require the use of a password. You need one to access your banking info, to shop, to read the online publication you subscribe to, to engage in social media, the list goes on. Moreover, you're supposed to change your passwords frequently to optimize security, which requires training your brain to routinely memorize new codes and forget old ones. Ours is a password-protected culture, and many of us are drowning in the plethora of clever, complicated passwords we've created.

Most relatively Internet-savvy folks know that using the same password twice makes for poor security; you should always create a new one for each new purpose. And keep changing them. But memorizing all of these passwords can be impossible, unless your brain is akin to the computer you're using. What's a harried human being with plenty of real-life concerns on his or her mind to do?

Password Manager: What Is It?

A password manager is an online service that efficiently and securely stores all of your password information for you. With a password manager, you don't have to worry about committing your multitude of top-secret codes to memory or worse making the mistake of writing them down, maybe tucking them in your wallet or storing them as a Word Doc on your desktop where they can be all-too-easily discovered.

The best password managers store all the information you need: the passwords, usernames, and the specific sites they're for. All you need to memorize is one password the one required to access your password manager.


Not all password managers are alike, so look for one that functions in the following ways:

  • Automatically detects and saves any passwords you create and/or use while you're navigating other sites.
  • Allows you to access the service using any Internet browser, from any location with Internet connection.
  • Saves you time by filling in many online forms for you.
  • Provides easy, 24-hour access to customer support in the event that you run into any trouble.
  • Offers two-step authentication and advanced encryption techniques for maximum security.

Who Can Benefit?

Online password managers can benefit anyone who uses the Internet, whether for personal reasons or for business.

  • Individuals & Families benefit from the added security and convenience. Each member of the family, for example, can store his or her passwords collectively, so they're all safe in one (virtual) place.
  • Big & Small Businesses can benefit enormously from the increased security afforded by a password manager, and avoid costly legal problems caused by the accidental loss or sharing of data due to insecure or stolen passwords.

There's something for everyone in a password management service, so go online and start searching for one that will work for you. In the meantime, keep your passwords complex, varied, ever changing, and safe!

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